Artisan traditional spagyric 10x concentrate of organic Icelandic Rhodiola. Microbatch, planetary energetic herbal medicine in the tradition of Paracelsus and Solazaref

Our journey to herbalism was born from a genetic condition that became a rapid disease, threatening sight and life itself. We searched the world for true masters, living adepts, many helped aspects and taught many skillful means. The training of the Northern spagyric herbalists truly brought about the lasting transmutation to healing rather than suppressing symptoms. But we make no medical claims, but this is the essence of this energetic medicine, the use of specially prepared elite quality herbs. The reason is it is not the herbs that heal, but rather they send energetic messages to the body, and the body heals itself. This is why we have much stress on ritual, runes, sigils, the archetype healing cults of the European tradition. These used a very proactive theurgical, ritual approach to healing using all types of shamanic technologies, herbs, dream incubation, etc. to catalyze the body into self healing. Modern medicine is understanding that chronic conditions stem from distortions in cellular signals. This causes mutations, cell proliferation etc. as the body gets into a negative feedback loop of stress, physiological response, adrenal fatigue, cellular signal distortions, oxidate stress which causes organs to work harder, blood to become thick, waste to become stagnant, biofilms and mucous form.

The true path to healing is an integrative, proactive reassertion of one’s internal process, using the adaptogenic herbs, and making an intentional participation in integrating mind and body. This is the essence of true spagyrics, which takes the plant and processes into its three parts, the botanical equivalent of mind, body and spirit. These are slowly integrated, with the minerals in the plant’s ashes being cleansed and diffused into the tincture. Thus the tincture as a very active level of the plant’s signature. This has a specific affect, known in modern terms as adaptogenic, which help the body’s reaction to stress. It is this particular energetic herbal signal that allows the body to balance and allowing normal cellular function to occur. We use a mixture of traditional techniques and modern clinical herbalism to blend into the most potent herbal formula. This is our vocation, our path, our and how we earn our living. We strive to bring the absolute best from our master teachers, herbs we use for our family and clients for decades. We thank you for your support and reviews! Satisfaction guarantee and free gifts with every order.

Icelandic adaptogen that is the maximum stress reducer and energizer, aiding muscle recovery and formation as well as anxiety and giving a deep sleep: Arctic Rhodiola Root. Rhodiola is the essential secret of heavy duty training and all around stress relief, a sure fire addition to your work out arsenal and overcoming the negative feedback loops in the mind that dissipate your energy and momentum. This is a sustainable, organic, spagyric preparation of wildcrafted Northern Rhodiola from our master teacher, concentrated to about 10x, meaning it takes 10 gallons of the initial fermented tincture to be distilled to 1. A potent spagyric adaptogen prepared according to the planetary hours.

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