2 oz microbatch organic Norwegian Angelica, a favorite of our clinical work. Spagyric extraction using traditional Swiss techniques and equipment. Spagyrics is a long extraction circulating herbs and taking the oils and calcinated minerals and recombining them in a gentle process. This makes them more bio-available, and “philosophical” in nature, as the harvest, timing and processing all take into account the precise moments of maximum medicinal use. For instance, if harvested in correct times the therapeutic properties are known to nearly double. This is the ancient wisdom that we use as our initiatory explorations of the herbal kingdom, and part of the proactive use of herbs for radiant heath. The tweak of lifestyles, diet, the moving of blood, of intermittent fasting, the resetting of the psychology and catalyst to spirit of rituals and herbs are the products of thousands of years of ancestral observations that are the true wisdom. Modern medicine is great for acute crisis, but dismal on chronic issues, with the side effects often worse than the original issue. Otherwise you have symptom suppression. These tonic herbs are best taking in microdoses over long periods, especially after a large initial dose for a few weeks. This gives a boost and maintenance dose that balances the organ and adrenal functions. Remember these issues did not start over night, but are the product of stress, oxidative stress from real physiological and psychological stresses, to pollution, lifestyle, etc in the perfect storm of disrupting normal bodily processes, which result in chronic diseases. We object to the term alternative medicine, as this is the safe ancestral herbalism that modern science has proven in many cases to be trustworthy and efficacious.

Norwegian Angelica is a renowned ancient tonic herb for strengthening the heart, liver, kidneys spleen and lungs and is used as a tonic for blood and circulation. We use it in those recovering from infections and in lyme protocols, and it especially good for lung infections, coughs and respiratory ailments and certain types of asthma. It is a great herb for women in balancing menstrual issues and for urinary disorders of both sexes. The folklore in Norway is for headache and migraines, cramps, pain, educing edema, swelling lymph nodes an used in psoriasis. It is used to flush out toxins as well and some alcoholics report losing taste for alcohol using the tincture over time, and likewise herbalists report its use for treating narcotic addiction and as well as treating hangovers.
People with a diabetes diagnose need to warned that this root increases the sugar level in the blood.

Angelica has also historically been much used in so called ‘cold’ conditions in children and adults. These include such problems as fatigue, failure to thrive, slow healing wounds and simply feeling the cold too acutely.

Rudolph Weiss writes that ‘from a clinical and practical point of view, it would be more correct to classify it as an aromatic tonic, because this is the most important part of its medicinal action’.

Thomas Bartram says, ‘ Angelica is for cold conditions where increase in body temperature is required… as a circulatory stimulant and to sustain the heart, stomach and bowel’.

Angelica is mentioned in the Heimskringla
King Olaf I Tryggvason of Norway (963-1000) is desperate to please his wife Thyri and offers her a stick of angelica. Although she scorns the gift, that it was offered speaks to tonic and spiritual power that she was to haughty to appreciate.

Angelica’s virtues are praised by old writers and the name itself testifies to the great antiquity of belief in its merits as a protection against contagion, for purifying the blood, and for curing every conceivable malady.

Angelica is a good remedy for colds, coughs, pleurisy, wind, colic, rheumatism and diseases of the urinary organs.

It is generally used as a stimulating expectorant the action of which is to a large extent diffused through the whole of the pulmonary (lung) region. It is also a useful agent for feverish conditions, acting as a diaphoretic.

It is used much on the Continent for indigestion, general debility and chronic bronchitis.
Excerpt on Angelica from M. Grieve’s ‘A Modern Herbal’

It is the “friend of the aged’ and has a gentle warming, tonic effect on the body, assist digestion, and a great herb for recovery and convalescence.

These statements are not medical claims and have not been evaluated by the FDA